Friday, August 14, 2009

School Has Begun

Where did the summer go??? It seems like only a few weeks ago and we were getting out for summer and now we are back at school. The summer was very busy with trips to the lake, the beach, the pool, and MANY doctor and therapy appointments for Alyssa. So, here is a brief recap of the summer and start of school...

In June, Connor went to Boy Scout Camp and had a blast!! He earned many awards, including his "Bull's Eye" Award in archery and his "Sharp Shooter" Award in BB Guns. We all went to the lake almost every weekend and Alyssa had weekly therapy visits. Alyssa learned to turn in a circle (only to the right) and began standing at a table for longer periods of time. Austin learned to tie his shoe and kept practicing his swimming.

In July, the kids went to Bible School. The theme was Crocodile Dock. They had lots of fun and sang wonderfully in the final program. We had a great cook-out at the lake for the 4th of July, followed by several fireworks displays. I took the kids to the beach for my aunt's wedding. We had a good time, although Walt was unable to go, due to his work schedule. Alyssa continued her therapy. She got her foot braces and special shoes, her wheelchair, and an adaptive chair. That was a crazy week. She also had her MRI which showed no abnormalities. It ruled out CP, seizures, strokes, and several other brain disorders and injuries. They did some blood tests, which we are still waiting for results.

In August, we went on a week-long trip to the beach with Walt's family. The kids had a ball with their cousin, Jordan. We got some great pictures and made MANY memories. While on the trip, Alyssa got pretty good in her wheelchair. She can move it around on hard surfaces and really enjoys the freedom. She is tolerating her foot braces well. I started school on the 10th and got my new room ready. It took many late evenings with Walt having to watch the kids, but it got done... just in time for the students to come. Austin started kindergarten and Connor started 2nd grade this year. They both have wonderful teachers and have had a good start. Alyssa starts at her new school on Monday. I have met with the therapists several times and the facility is wonderful. She will receive all of her therapy at school. I think the many activities will be excellent for her. She will receive PT, OT, and speech therapy at the school. Her class is made up of 14 kids. Only 3 of them have disabilities and Alyssa is the only one in a wheelchair. I think that will provide her with wonderful role models... I'll keep everyone updated.

For now, the year is looking good. I have a fairly light caseload and am enjoying my students. This weekend will consist of relaxing, a quick day at the lake, and a busy Sunday with my 3 and 4 year old Sunday School Class. Walt will take the boys bowling with the Cub Scouts on Sunday and we will be "back in the saddle" for school on Monday.

I hope this has gotten everyone caught up on our summer activities. I will try to do better about updating, especially with news about Alyssa...
Love to all,